MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Review

Are you ready to experience the thrill of piloting giant mechs while also managing your own mercenary business? MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, a BattleTech mecha game developed by Piranha Games and released on December 10, 2019, offers an exciting mix of action and adventure gameplay that keeps you engaged throughout. Managing Your Mercenary Business In MechWarrior […]

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Evil West Review

Evil West Review

Have you ever wanted to mix Evil Dead, Brisco County Jr. and Van Helsing? No? Well maybe I’m just weird, but the people over at Flying Wild Hog did just that with Evil West. After watching the trailer I thought I’d be shotgun blasting demons a la Doom, but found myself bitch-slapping leach-covered vampires with an […]

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Prodeus Review

Looking for that warm feeling you get from your shotgun as you empty it into another demon’s skull? Enjoy blasting your way through 32-bit nightmare fuel, to a soundtrack that evokes a Megadeath album cover? You’re not saving the world– you’re exterminating your makers. Let’s rip and tear into Prodeus. This first-person shooter developed by […]

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We got Robbed Help Reboot the Rig with our GoFundMe


We got robbed two weeks ago when thieves broke into the MaGoo, smashing the driver’s side window and stealing our gaming computers, a remote hard drive containing our game data, a microphone, and damaging the interior in the process. While the police are investigating the theft, there is little hope that they will recover any […]

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Warframe Eximus Rework

Thoughts on the Eximus Rework

Let’s talk about the Eximus Enemies rework for DE’s Warframe. We’ve had about two weeks of the “Angels of the Zariman” update, which included the Eximus rework. The Eximus have always been a strange beast in Warframe. With the masses of enemy units to focus on, the Eximus often blended in with the horde. A […]

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