Hildryn Prime Giveaway

Hildry Prime Access Giveaway

Here is your chance to win Hildry Prime Access though Pixel reboot. Enter the Hildry Prime Access Giveaway here. What You Could Win! – Hildryn Prime: Deliver death from above. Hildryn Prime proves that power is discipline’s reward. – Larkspur Prime: Embrace pandemonium. Chainfire and explosive potential meet in Larkspur Prime. Hildryn packs more ammo when she […]

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Warframe Eximus Rework

Thoughts on the Eximus Rework

Let’s talk about the Eximus Enemies rework for DE’s Warframe. We’ve had about two weeks of the “Angels of the Zariman” update, which included the Eximus rework. The Eximus have always been a strange beast in Warframe. With the masses of enemy units to focus on, the Eximus often blended in with the horde. A […]

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Octavia Prime Access

Octavia Prime Access Pack

[ Enter Here ] Drawing will be March 20th Winner! [ HopeSoSure ] – Octavia Prime: Strike up a symphony of destruction with the mistress of music, Octavia, in her grandest and most spectacular form. Featuring altered Mod polarities for greater customization. Octavia Prime also comes with the brand new hip-hop inspired Bombast Instruments Pack! […]

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